Life In Australia, Simplified.
Every expat has a story to tell and each story is similar yet different. The best thing is - your story can inspire others to make a move. So, come on! Tell your story as vividly as you can.
Hi! I am Harsh. Welcome to Aussian - a unique place where I share my journey of moving from India to Australia and my experiences "Down Under". I hope that the information I share will help with your own preparations.
It is illegal to tie a goat or dog to your vehicle and drive around a public place in Victoria. It is also illegal to artificially seed the rain clouds in Victoria.
With mixed emotions, I announce that Aussian will be shut down in a month. While I am sad to say goodbye, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible support you’ve shown throughout the years.
Your visits, engagement, and loyalty have meant the world to me, and I truly appreciate the time you’ve spent here. It has been an honour to serve you all, and your encouragement has been a constant source of inspiration for me.
While the website will soon come to a close, you can still browse old articles from the web archive if you wish to.
Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. I am forever grateful for your support, and I hope to stay connected in new ways moving forward.
With heartfelt thanks,